var t = new Array(); t['common.loading']="loading"; t['common.page_loading_failed']="Page loading failed"; t['measurements.graph_loading_failed']="Chart loading failed"; t['measurements.data_transfer']="Data transfer chart (foreign countries)"; t['measurements.data_transfered']="Transfer speed"; t['']="Incoming"; t['measurements.out']="Outgoing"; t['measurements.packets_transfer']="Packet transfer chart (foreign countries)"; t['measurements.packets_transfered_per_second']="Packets"; t['measurements.packet']="packet"; t['measurements.entire_network']="Entire network"; t['common.session_expired_unlogging'] = "Your session has expired. You will be logged out now."; t['common.company_toggle_unsuccessful'] = "Company toggle failed"; t['cloud.images_loading_failed'] = "Loading of the list of available OS failed"; t['cloud.order_next_page_failed'] = "Moving to another part of order failed"; t['cloud.server_request_failed'] = "Server request failed"; t['cloud.insert_number'] = "Enter number"; t['cloud.cancel_order_confirm'] = "Do you really want to cancel the selected order?"; t['cloud.order_cancelation_failed'] = "Order cancellation failed"; t['cloud.server_deactivation_failed'] = "Server deactivation failed"; t['cloud.deactivate_service_confirm'] = "Do you really want to deactivate this server?"; t['cloud.turn_off_service_confirm'] = "Do you really want to turn off the server?"; t['cloud.reset_service_confirm'] = "Do you really want to restart the server?"; t['cloud.server_reset_failed'] = "Server restart failed"; t['cloud.server_restarting'] = "Server has been successfully restarted"; t[''] = "Document number"; t['accessess.jmeno'] = "Name"; t['accessess.ref'] = "Card number"; t['accessess.pristupy'] = "Area"; t['accessess.pristup'] = "Access"; t['accessess.reset'] = "Reset"; t['accessess.vynos'] = "Physical hardware removal"; t[''] = "Phone"; t['accessess.tel2'] = "Phone 2"; t[''] = "Email"; t['common.and'] = "and"; t['common.less'] = "less"; t['common.more'] = "more"; t['cloud.zero_days'] = "days"; t['cloud.one_day'] = "day"; t['cloud.two_plus_days'] = "days"; t['cloud.five_plus_days'] = "days"; t['cloud.one_month'] = "month"; t['cloud.two_plus_months'] = "months"; t['cloud.five_plus_months'] = "months"; t['measurements.energy_data_transfer'] = "Input power chart"; t['measurements.energy_data_transfered'] = "Input power"; t[''] = "Input power"; t['account.user_delete_confirm'] = "Do you want to delete this account?"; t['account.user_delete_failed'] = "Account deletion failed"; t['password.too_short'] = "Too short"; t['password.weak'] = "Weak"; t['password.good'] = "Satisfactory"; t['password.strong'] = "Strong"; t['password.same_password'] = "Weak"; t['information.settings.bad_password_format'] = "You have entered a password which is too weak. Your password must be at least “satisfactory”."; t["information.settings.new_passwords_are_not_same"] = "The passwords you entered do not match."; t["information.settings.insert_old_password"] = "Enter the old password"; t["registration.getFirmInfoFailed"] = "Requirement to obtain information about the company failed"; t["registration.registrationFailed"] = "Requirement for registration failed"; t["registration.smsSent"] = "The SMS with verification code has been sent. Please enter the code in the verification field."; t["registration.sendInvitationReplyFailed"] = "The reply to this invitation could not be sent. Please contact our technical department."; t["registration.mandatoryFields"] = "All fields are required"; t["registration.individualNameAndSurname"] = "Name and surname"; t["registration.individualAddress"] = "Address" t["registration.companyAddress"] = "Company Address"